Jai Hind! The region of West Asia has been troubled region post- Second World War the history of troubles in this region can be traced to the battles between the Abrahamic religions since history. The region got rich post the discovery of oil and has been in the centre of attention especially of the best in a battle of control between the erstwhile Soviet Union as well as the United States of America. Post the formation of Israel the situation has become more and more unstable due to religious differences and one group or the other feeling left out. Post a revolution in Iran in 1979 the polarisation of region between the two major sects of Islam has become white in the open each fighting proxy wars against the other resulting in chaos in countries like Syria Iraq and today in Yemen. India has always had interest in this region due to its requirement of oil as well as its own strategic interests it is important for us to understand this area for us to make a better West Asian policy and this is my endeavour to walk in that direction.
#westasia #iran #israel #saudiarabia #syria #ISIS #iraq #yemen #shiasunni #arab #jewishstate #arabisraelwar #india #usa #china #islam #terrorism #russia #abrahamicaccords
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