Chinese Copy Cat Air Force Air Marshal PK Barbora I Aadi Achint

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Jai Hind! Chinese Copy Cat airforce is being showcase by China each day with its propaganda and the incursions into Taiwanese Air Identification zone. The Chinese have been stealing technology from the Russians since history and also have tried their hand successfully to steal technology from the Americans as well. Doing this kind of espionage they have been able to receive the latest of technology from both the countries amongst many others where also they have stolen indigenous technology to create what I would like to call as their copycat Air Force. Not much is known about actual capabilities of these aircraft that are being showcased by the Chinese on each day but having said that they carry a large force and something that the world needs to reckon with. Since the stand-off with India along the line of actual control the Chinese have been in aggressive manoeuvres along the contentious borders between both the countries also deploying their aircraft on the various newly developed air feels closer to the border with India. This videos basic purpose is to understand the capabilities and the fighting spirit difference in the Chinese Air Force versus the Indian Air Force. They claim to have done pretty well in terms of their own technology how would it be effective is another story altogether.

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